Page 26 - MESC_Project_Booklet
P. 26

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                       Module 5 - Personal challenges and working towards goals

                               Special School                            Whole School Fitness Challenge
                               Secondary (GLD)
                               Aged 11-16 yrs

           There were many group challenges and
           individual ones for this module from learning
           to tie a shoe to whole school fitness challenges
           where each form group logged how many
           additional minutes they spent doing some
           form of exercise. In this section we included
           trying new experiences such as a climbing
           wall, hill sledging, fitness trails and healthier
           eating. There is a challenge board in the school
           hall so that everyone knows the challenges
           for each group and can encourage them to
           do their best. We also had a visit from an
           Olympic athlete who taught the students                               Personal Goals
           determination, persistence and to try hard.

                      Trying new experiences
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