Page 23 - MESC_Project_Booklet
P. 23

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                             Module 4 - Individual rights and responsibilities

                               Upper Secondary School
                               Aged 14-19 yrs

           This module was developed through 3
           different projects.
           1. War is my enemy – Nobody is excluded
           Through the testimony of the war surgeon
           Gino Strada, volunteers and journalists,
           students have deepened their knowledge of
           the wars of our time and have reflected on
           the value of peace. In accordance with the
           constitutional principles and international
           norms that sanction the rejection of war as a
           means of resolving international disputes and
           promoting cooperation among peoples, peace
           constitutes a fundamental right of individuals
           and peoples.                                                   Interview with the journalist
           2. Freedom and equality                                              Paolo Borrometi
           During the meeting the students had the
           opportunity to reflect and debate on the
           concept of equality in a democratic society
           and on the possible existence of freedom of
           citizens in a society with inequal opportunities
           among its members.
           3. Interview with the journalist Paolo
           By attending the meeting the students have
           increased their sense of citizenship and
           understood that every cultural revolution
           starts with meaningful and shared actions.

            Freedom and
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