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P. 21

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                             Module 4 - Individual rights and responsibilities

                               Special School                             Voting for the school councils
                               Secondary (GLD)
                               Aged 11-16 yrs

           Following the General Election in June 2017.
           Each person shared their own reason why
           people should vote for them to be the Prime
           Minister. The students vote for their school
           council member to help make decisions about
           what happens at school.
           In the PSHE curriculum students learn about
           legal ages to do things, legal rights and
           human rights and throughout school we
           constantly ensure students take responsibility
           and recognise the impact of their actions.
           Humanities lessons encourage wider thinking
           about looking after the environment and being                   Learning about legal ages
           a responsible citizen.

                      Voting in class discussions
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26