Page 31 - MESC_Project_Booklet
P. 31

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                       Module 5 - Personal challenges and working towards goals

                               Radviliškio rajono                              Self governing day

           At our school we have a self-governing day
           when senior students take full responsibility
           of the school management  by performing
           the roles of the school staff. This is quite a
           challenge to everyone, especially being a
           teacher and managing discipline. Students
           participated in the international pilgrimage to
           a sacred place Šiluva - it was a great personal
           challenge  to walk a distance of about 70 km
           and to share everything with other pilgrims.
           Personal challenges were set participating in
           drama and sport activities as well.
                                                                              Personal Challenges

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