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Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                       Module 5 - Personal challenges and working towards goals

                               Public Secondary School                      Reunion Island Activities
                               Aged 11-16 yrs
                                                                 Students prepared the Transnational meeting
                                                                 in groups.

           During their stay in our school, all our students     Some students with better skills in English
           are invited to think about who they are, what         helped others.
           they like, what goals they want to reach later,
           what job they dream of and how to make their
           dream come true.

           We focus on our 8 and 9th year students since
           these are their last years in our school. They are
           invited to think about their perspectives after
           they leave school. To help them, they have to
           look for an employer in the professional that
           attract to them most. Then they go on a week
           training session and discover what the job looks
           like. Once back they have to write a report
           showing what they have done there but alos
           wht they have learned: are they still attracted
           to the job? Is reality true to  their expectations?
           The, they presented their experience in front of                         Job Week
           a jury composed of teachers they don't usually
           work with to appreciate their communication
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