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Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                             Module 4 - Individual rights and responsibilities

                               Middle School                                     Children Rights
                               Aged 11-16 yrs

           Our Special Education Classes actively
           participated in these module activities.
           They draw pictures to remind us of our
           responsibilities in the school, and place them
           where necessary in the school.

           Other Special Education We visited our
           Animal Barn, spent time with the animals, and
           understood that we are responsible for the
           protection of animals.

           We wrote petitions about our Individual Rights
           in Turkish lessons and investigated how we can                     Visiting Animal Barn
           protect our rights.

           We watched movies on children’s rights, wrote
           compositions and poems. One of our classes
           prepared a Mannequin Challenge movie about
           the subject.

                     We learn our responsibilities
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