Page 36 - MESC_Project_Booklet
P. 36

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                                             Module 6 - First Aid

                               Public Secondary School
                               Aged 11-14 yrs

           In 2018, one of our teachers Mira Hamrit was
           trained to be able to teach First Aid. This way,
           we have been able to train all our 9th grade
           students who now can be responsible citizens
           in everyday situations !

           It represented a total of 300 students over the
           2 years. Without the project we wouldn’t have
           been able to purchase the material or to afford
           the teachers training to implement First Aid
           Training at school.

                                                                            Reunion Island Axctivities


                                                                 Students were taught how to give first aid in
                                                                 various situations.

                                                                 In this film, the nurse at school is teaching
                                                                 Heimlich Manoeuvre to a  class. Some
                                                                 students take example  and practise what
                                                                 they’ve learned with their friends.
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