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Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                                             Module 6 - First Aid

                               Special School                                      Bandaging
                               Secondary (GLD)
                               Aged 11-16 yrs

           CPR, bandaging and initial accident care are
           taught through our PSHE curriculum and with
           some sessions with our school nurse.
           We had a visit from the Adult Education
           Co-ordinator at the British Red Cross, for
           several weeks who also ran a First Aid course.
           All students accessed this training and staff
           also accesses defibrillator training. It was really
           informative and enjoyable! We’ve learned so
           much and you never know, we might even be
           able to save someone’s life one day!

                                                                            Practicing compressions

                     Watching a demonstration
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