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P. 37

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                                             Module 6 - First Aid

                               Radviliškio rajono                      Keeping trace in Labanoras woods

           All our students get a First Aid course initiated
           by the school nurse and are taught not to
           get lost in case of emergency in the lessons
           of biology and physical education. They are
           trained to put on a bandage, to dress a wound,
           to treat a cut, a bruise, to behave in emergency.
           This school year our 9th grade students had a
           trip to Labanoras woods to learn how to keep
           trace and demonstrate their knowledge of
           avoiding and treating insect and snake bites.
           Also, we had an evacuation training session
           with “casualties” in many classrooms to train
           students’ proper actions.                                             First Aid Course

                        Evacuation Training
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