Page 38 - MESC_Project_Booklet
P. 38

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                             Module 7 - Community Action, Volunteering and
                                                          working as part of a group

                               Special School                            Raising money with a cake sale
                               Secondary (GLD)                            for MacMillan’s cancer nurses
                               Aged 11-16 yrs

           We have done some charity fundraising events
           which included a used clothes sale and also a
           tea and cake afternoon with money raised for
           Macmillan Cancer Nurses.

           Both these events were open to the public and
           we advertised throughout the neighbourhood.
           Another working as a group event we did
           was to put on a whole school production of
           ‘Oliver’ to show local pensioners that live in
           the community, where everyone was involved
           from acting, singing, art work, props, costumes
           etc. and also several students worked as a                Raising money from a clothes sale for
           team to create woodwork items for fund                               Grenfell victims
           raising at a Christmas Fayre.

                         Making goods to sell
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