Page 64 - MESC_Project_Booklet
P. 64

Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                             Module 11 - Communication (including signing)

                               Upper Secondary School                           School Magazine
                               Aged 14-19 yrs

           School Magazine “La voce del Corbino”
           consolidates the mastery of native language
           and of written language and promotes the
           acquisition of the concepts of democracy,
           and civil coexistence. It develops the open
           discussion and debate through the analysis
           of hot and global issues of our contemporary
           society, especially of those phenomena
           connected to adolescence like bullying for
           example. The activities performed during the
           whole school year are:

           •  Research, interviews and data collection                         La voce del Corbino
              for the preparation of newspaper articles
           •  Group activities and debates with experts
              and journalists
           •  Written processing supported by specific
              software digital applications and graphics,
              maps, photographs, and so on.

                    Group activities and debates
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