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Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                              Module 3 - Internet Safety and Online Bullying

                               Special School                                   Online Safety Day
                               Secondary (GLD)
                               Aged 11-16 yrs

           We are very serious about teaching online
           safety. There is a working group that meet
           weekly in school to organise events. We hold
           online safety assemblies, have guest speakers,
           staff training and SMART rules are displayed
           on every computer and around school. We
           entered a school video competition on online
           safety and regularly invite parents to discuss
           issues and concerns regarding the internet. We
           also have a reporting button on our website
           for any students or parent that is concerned to
           make contact with us (this can be anonymous).
                                                                            Online Safety Messages

                           Whisper Button
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20