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Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                          Module 2 - Improving Identity and Cultural Diversity,
                                                   Beliefs and values/ Respecting Others

                               Upper Secondary School                           My name is Adil
                               Aged 14-19 yrs

           In a multicultural world, valuing and respecting
           diversity encourages people to accept
           individual differences. Many of our lessons and
           activities within the school curriculum focused
           on the global problem of immigration and
           respecting cultural diversity was of paramount
           importance for us at the moment. This is
           not only for this project, but a fundamental                  Conference “I was a stranger”
           principle of citizenship established by our
           Constitution of our Republican country and it’s
           included in our core curriculum.
           This module was developed through a series of
           • My name is Adil
           • A day in a centre for migrant children
           • Conference: “I was a stranger”
           Through these direct experiences centred on
           the migrants’ rights, denied and then regained,
           on the integration and rediscovery of one’s
           own identity, the students had the opportunity
           to deconstruct the stereotypes and the                     A day in a centre for migrant children
           mechanisms that determine them allowing a
           new perception of the concept of citizenship
           with a view to inclusiveness.
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