Page 13 - MESC_Project_Booklet
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Make Every Step Count!  2016 - 2018

                                          Module 2 - Improving Identity and Cultural Diversity,
                                                   Beliefs and values/ Respecting Others

                               Public Secondary School                      Reunion Island Activities
                               Aged 11-14 yrs                    Cultural diversity was tackled through different

                                                                 activities in our school.

                                                                 Students made presentations and posters about
           During their Education class, our 5th grade           the different countries participating in the
           students and their teachers thought about             ERASMUS project.
           what discrimination means and the different
           types of dicrimination that exist. Then their         Some students even raised money through
           teachers asked them to create posters with a          various  activities and sponsorships to be able
           slogan against discrimination. Different types        to visit the Portuguese school during the last
           of discrimination were discussed: gender,             short-term exchange in May 2018.
           handicap, religious beliefs, origins and gave
           birth to posters which were displayed in the          Finally, over a certain period of time, some
           school.                                               classes worked on the creation of a 7 families
                                                                 card game. As it was handmade, the students
                                                                 had to do searches about 7 cultural aspects of
                                                                 the  partner countries, then they created the
                                                                 cards, which took a few weeks.

                                                                              Gender equality day

                                                                 Day dedicated to gender equality (=Journée de
                                                                 l’égalité), organized in the school for students
                                                                 to become aware of cultural/gender differenc-
           In May, we celebrated Europe Week. Students           es and how to become more tolerant through
           tasted european recipes, learnt a few words           accepting cultural differences. Here posters
           from languages they don’t learn at school,            made  by the students to show school systems
           learnt and sang songs, played games to learn          differences in the world.
           more about Europe History and Culture
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