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Student Online Safety
BlogOnline Safety Top Tips
Online safety tips when communicating online
Wake up Wednesday – Fire Safety
Remember, remember … 5 November is approaching fast, but of course fire safety isn’t only important on Bonfire Night. Help children recognise the potential risks with a timely reminder of fire safety essentials in this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide and...
Wake up Wednesday – In Game Chat
Chatting to others in a game can be a great way to connect as you enjoy your hobby together It’s not always quite so wholesome, however. Our newest #WakeUpWednesday guide and the latest episode of our podcast offer expert advice on the risks of in-game...
PCHSC gains top level award
Be thAT Teacher is a project designed to unlock the power and potential of Assistive Technologies. PCHS & C signed up to the expanded programme this year when Microlink began to partner with NASEN and HSBC and the project opened up to more eligible...
Online Safety Meeting
On 26 April 2024 the student online safety group held a meeting, the topic of discussion was copyright and ownership. Students discussed why copyright is important and its benefits. The group agreed it was a good idea to create another poster / leaflet to...
Safer Internet Day Assembly
On Tuesday 6th February we held a whole school Safer Internet Day Assembly. We invited Parents and Carers to join us and the Online Safety Group prepared and delivered a fantastic presentation. You can view the slides from the presentation...
Online Safety – Top Tips
As discussed at our Online Safety Meeting on 2nd February, we created a 'Top Tips' Flyer to hand out to everyone in school. Following on from our Safer Internet Day Assembly, please the flyer attached.
Online Safety Meeting
On 1st February, we held a pupils Online Safety Meeting. Here we discussed the various benefits and the downsides of the internet. Subjects we covered included hacking , buying dodgy goods, accessing websites pupils shouldn’t such as adult...
Online Safety Meeting
On 28th January we held an Online Safety Group meeting to discuss various areas of Online Safety within school. This included the 360 Safe Award, filtering and monitoring, Connect and Respect Visits and the various resources we have in school....
Pendle Community High School & College
Pendle Vale Campus, Oxford Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8LF
Tel: 01282 682260
Headteacher: Debra Grogan
Chair of Governors: Trevor Ashton (Address c/o above)
Receptionist: Sophie McCamon
SENDCO: Stephanie Curtis
Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested via email.