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Learners join a study programme suitable for their needs and relevant to their future adult pathway (Pre-entry to Level 2)
Independent Learners:
These students are able to communicate with some fluency and with tailored support, they aim to independently make some reasoned choices, work and act co-operatively in small groups. Students are on planned study programmes focussed on helping them achieve qualifications and prepare for employment in adult life. The study programme is accredited from Entry Level 1 up to Level 2.
The qualifications for these students may include:
• Functional skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT.
• NCFE Level 1 and/ or 2 In Catering.
• NCFE Occupational Studies for the workplace.
• NCFE Personal and Social Development
• AQA Unit Awards
Thank you for your support. The staff are fantastic and communicate very well with parents.
Supported Learners:
These are students whose learning is supported through structured patterns of communication and social activity to enable them to develop positive social behaviour. For our supported learners (severe and/or complex needs) a study programme to develop independent living skills is appropriate. This applies to students for whom either substantial qualifications or preparation for independent employment are not, at this stage in their lives, a suitable option.
The KS5 study programme for supported learners aims to promote their personal skills for living as independently as possible within the parameters of their individual needs. The Programme includes opportunities for: work related learning / work skills required for unpaid employment / volunteering and community projects. Continued development of their communication / literacy, numeracy and ICT knowledge will support and underpin their personal and life skills.
These learners access an accredited study programme following ASDAN Personal Progress and AQA Unit Awards.
Experiential Learners:
These are students whose needs are met primarily through experiences and activities which are multi-sensory and stimulate learning through kinaesthetic approaches and the senses of touch, hearing, taste, sight and smell. These learners are at the early stages of development and assessed on the Engagement Model Approach (below P4). Experiential learners focus on communication (their preferred mode), physical development needs and independence / leisure.
These learners access an accredited study programme which includes ASDAN Personal Progress and AQA Units so they can achieve awards to celebrate their achievements. The study programme is highly personalised with a focus on access to appropriate resources such as rebound and hydrotherapy.
All learners have access to external agencies according to need as set out in their EHCP; the transition team, speech and language therapy support, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, hearing and visually impaired advisory service, multi-sensory impaired specialist teacher and community nursing services.
Amazing school and college offering extended support to a diverse community. Students are happy and encouraged to engage in all the curriculum and activities to meet their needs and disabilities. My daughter will miss this college when she leaves but will take all the skills with her that she has been taught and experienced during her amazing 8 years.
In addition to the core curriculum for learners accessing Pendle Community College offers opportunities in the following:
- Employer encounters via work place visits, employer networking events, employer visits, talks from employees from different employment roles
- Work related learning opportunities via our own college café, community shop/ café, mini- enterprise, fundraising events, volunteering, community action projects and supporting lunch clubs in school
- Serial and block work experience placement opportunities (internal opportunities and external providers)
- Access to the PCC counselling service.
- Personalised learning packages
- Individual education plans and personalised targets.
- Student Council events e.g. fundraising, open afternoons
- 14 to 19 groups (KS 4 and 5) e.g. Duke of Edinburgh, Mini enterprise activities, The Workshop, The Kitchen, Sailing, Drama Productions, Animal Care (Ark Education Barn) and Independent Travel Training.
- Students are taught alongside peers with similar needs with plenty of opportunities for socialising and peer to peer support.
For any employers wishing to support this activity – please contact Joanne Chatburn, Deputy Headteacher on 01282682260.
Pendle Community High School & College
Pendle Vale Campus, Oxford Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8LF
Tel: 01282 682260
Headteacher: Debra Grogan
Chair of Governors: Trevor Ashton (Address c/o above)
Receptionist: Sophie McCamon
SENDCO: Stephanie Curtis
Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested via email.