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Latest News:

Our new reception area is now open at the front of school (accessible by the main car park / pedestrian entrance). Please contact us on 01282 682260 if you are struggling to gain access.
Our new reception area is now open at the front of school (accessible by the main car park / pedestrian entrance). Please contact us on 01282 682260 if you are struggling to gain access.
Please let us know by 8.15am if your child is going to be absent from school by telephoning 01282 682260 and choosing option 1. Alternatively you can use the parent app or email attendance@pchs.lancs.sch.uk.
Please let us know by 8.15am if your child is going to be absent from school by telephoning 01282 682260 and choosing option 1. Alternatively you can use the parent app or email attendance@pchs.lancs.sch.uk.
Please let us know by 8.15am if your child is going to be absent from school by telephoning 01282 682260 and choosing option 1. Alternatively you can use the parent app or email attendance@pchs.lancs.sch.uk.



Accessibility Plan
View Plan

Admissions Policy Statement 
View Policy

Anti-bullying Policy
View Policy

Attendance Policy
View Policy (Currently under review)

British Values Policy Statement
View Policy 

Charging and Remissions Policy
View Policy

Child On Child Abuse Policy
View Policy

Complaints Policy
View Policy

Equality Policy & Objectives
View Policy 

Governors Allowance & Expenditure Policy
View Policy 

Intimate Care Policy
View Policy 

Model Publication Scheme
View Policy 

Moving & Handling Policy
View Policy 

Online Safety Policy
View Policy

Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy
View Policy

Professional Development Policy View Policy
More information, training & guidance is available to staff members in the password protected staff portal. 

Promoting Positive Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy
View Policy

Provider Access Policy
View Policy 

Remote Education Policy
View Policy

RSE Policy 
View Policy 

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
View Policy

SEN Information Report 
View Policy 

SEN Policy 
View Policy 

SMSC Policy Statement 
View Policy

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
View Policy

Total Communication Policy
View Policy    Visit Communication Provision Page

Uniform Policy
View Policy 


We do not currently have any employees earning over £100,000 per year. 

Please use this link to access our school financial benchmarking. 


Curriculum Policy
View Policy 

Vocational & Careers Policy
View Policy


Art & Design Policy
View Policy 

Citizenship Policy
View Policy

Computing Policy
View Policy

Design and Technology Policy
View Policy 

English Policy
View Policy

Geography Policy
View Policy

History Policy 
View Policy

Maths Policy
View Policy

Modern Foreign Languages
View Policy

Music Policy
View Policy

Physical Education Policy
View Policy

PSHE Policy
View Policy

RE Policy
View Policy

Reading Policy
View Policy

RSE Policy
View Policy

Science Policy
View Policy 


Data Protection Policy
View Policy

Governors &Volunteers Privacy Notice Policy
View Policy

Parents Privacy Notice Policy
View Policy

Pupil Privacy Notice Policy
View Policy

Workforce Privacy Notice Policy
View Policy


Pendle Community High School & College
Pendle Vale Campus, Oxford Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8LF
Tel: 01282 682260

Headteacher: Debra Grogan
Chair of Governors: Trevor Ashton (Address c/o above)

Receptionist: Samantha Gray (M,T,W)
Rebecca Brown (W,T,F)
E-mail: reception@pchs.lancs.sch.uk


Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested via email