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Personal Development
& The enriched curriculumAt PCHS&C we recognise the role we play in ensuring that our students, as much as they are able, flourish and grow into well-rounded and healthy young citizens.
Through a carefully planned programme of citizenship, PSHE, RSE and with British Values, SMSC and Online Safety aspects threaded through the curriculum, and along with our curriculum drivers, core values and merit system this ensures our students have the best foundations for their next steps and future pathways.
We teach our children to be polite, well-mannered and show great respect for themselves, other people and our environment. Staff work relentlessly to ensure that our children feel safe and we have created an environment where bullying and discrimination in any form is not tolerated by adults or children.
Through the provision of timetabled clubs our staff and students take part in different activities every half term to allow all students and staff to mix together, try new things and meet new friends.
This year our choices for personal development clubs have been team sports, sports hydro, sports fitness suite, singing and signing, arts & crafts, woodwork, computing & machines, baking, relaxation techniques, board games.
Our themes classes have their own carousel of personal development clubs, and these are Physical Skills where we work on fine and gross motor skills, physio programmes and mobility. Understanding the World where we develop students’ problem solving and questioning skills. Expressive Arts where students work on developing their communication through art and craft activities. Personal and Social Skills where students learn about turn taking, fairness and collaborative working.
How personal development is planned throughout school and college 2023 – 24
View Plan
Pendle Community High School & College
Pendle Vale Campus, Oxford Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8LF
Tel: 01282 682260
Headteacher: Debra Grogan
Chair of Governors: Trevor Ashton (Address c/o above)
Receptionist: Sophie McCamon
SENDCO: Stephanie Curtis
Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested via email.