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Our new reception area is now open at the front of school (accessible by the main car park / pedestrian entrance). Please contact us on 01282 682260 if you are struggling to gain access.
Our new reception area is now open at the front of school (accessible by the main car park / pedestrian entrance). Please contact us on 01282 682260 if you are struggling to gain access.
Please let us know by 8.15am if your child is going to be absent from school by telephoning 01282 682260 and choosing option 1. Alternatively you can use the parent app or email attendance@pchs.lancs.sch.uk.
Please let us know by 8.15am if your child is going to be absent from school by telephoning 01282 682260 and choosing option 1. Alternatively you can use the parent app or email attendance@pchs.lancs.sch.uk.
Please let us know by 8.15am if your child is going to be absent from school by telephoning 01282 682260 and choosing option 1. Alternatively you can use the parent app or email attendance@pchs.lancs.sch.uk.

Online Safety

Be thAT Teacher Award

Be thAT Teacher is a project designed to unlock the power and potential of Assistive Technologies. PCHS & C signed up to the expanded programme this year when Microlink began to partner with NASEN and HSBC and the project opened up to more eligible schools. Technologies that enable new possibilities for students with learning needs to access their learning and demonstrate their understanding have taken a dramatic leap forward in recent years. At Pendle Community High School and College we want to be at the forefront of this development. Assistive Technologies can be deployed in a way that creates personalised learning experiences for all and can provide focused solutions to overcoming barriers to learning, working, communicating with others and living in your community. We are proud to support this programme and display our Transformer badge which is the top level award for this project. 


PCHS&C are continuing to ask parents to provide appropriate supervision whilst their children are online, including using text messaging, snap chat, Instagram etc.

As part of our whole school & college approach to online safety, this page brings together information for parents and carers to help them better understand the risks associated with using new technologies, including the internet and mobile phones, and what you can do to minimise these risks.


All students are taught how to keep themselves safe on the internet through whole school assemblies, computing lessons and are regularly reminded through different areas of the curriculum. This includes thinking about the information they put online, how to keep their social networking profiles private and where to go if they have concerns. All students and their parents / carers sign an acceptable use/behaviour policy for using ICT within school & college. Access to the internet is filtered which means that unsafe and unsuitable material is blocked. We also have online safety monitoring software installed on the computers. This is specifically designed to identify inappropriate use of computers and to encourage their responsible use.


We have an Online Safety Group that meets every half term. The purpose of the group is to create a culture that incorporates the principles of digital safety and awareness across all elements of school & college life. The group proactively engages staff, pupils, governors and parents/carers in activities that promote the agreed principles of online safety. We work to create a safe learning environment by educating the school community about online safety risks, such as cyberbullying, online predators and identity theft. Additionally, we provide resources and strategies for staying safe online and respond to incidents that may occur. The main goal is to ensure that everyone is aware of the potential dangers of the internet and equipped with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves online.

The group is made up of the Chair of Governors, Online Safety Lead, Deputy Headteacher, ICT Manager, Associate Senior Leader, PSHE Lead, Computing & ICT Lead, Teaching Assistant and pupils. 

In 2021 we reached the standard required to be awarded the Online Safety Mark. 


At PCHS&C we always remember the five SMART rules when using the internet and mobile devices: 


Pendle Community High School & College
Pendle Vale Campus, Oxford Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8LF
Tel: 01282 682260

Headteacher: Debra Grogan
Chair of Governors: Trevor Ashton (Address c/o above)

Receptionist: Samantha Gray (M,T,W)
Rebecca Brown (W,T,F)
E-mail: reception@pchs.lancs.sch.uk


Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested via email