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At Pendle Community High School and College, the English Curriculum offers a highly personalised, flexible and creative curriculum matched to the needs and abilities of each individual pupil. By providing a range of differentiated reading, writing and communication activities, we intend to support our pupils to build self-confidence and self-esteem along with a life-long love of books and reading when they leave school.
We teach specific literacy skills in a highly individualised way and provide pupils with opportunities to transfer these skills across the whole curriculum in preparation for life beyond school. We ensure that pupils work at a level appropriate to their ability using a variety of suitable materials within their Key Stage or from an earlier one if deemed appropriate. We provide the opportunity for pupils to experience a range of exciting and engaging texts drawn from a variety of cultures, traditions and genres, many of which highlight current topical themes such as inclusion and diversity, looking after our planet and empowering women. Pupils also have the opportunity to develop an understanding and appreciation of texts as prescribed in the National Curriculum through the enjoyment of theatrical performances in different settings as well as drama activities in school. We track progress regularly in reading, writing and the spoken word across the Key Stages and use interventions and differentiated activities where necessary. We intend to support pupils to begin to read with fluency by teaching systematic synthetic phonics where appropriate to individual needs.
All teachers at PCHS are teachers of English and as such will ensure that literacy is a focus within their lessons. English curriculum maps and schemes of learning highlight content, learning objectives and progression. Some pupils will also access enhanced personalised timetables to meet specific additional needs if appropriate.
This is provided by:
- a consistent approach to literacy across all subject areas.
- careful selection of texts.
- Whole school agreed approach to the teaching and learning of synthetic phonics using, ‘Red Rose Phonics’.
English lessons are mainly structured to include:
- a stimulating starter activity.
- the sharing of the lesson objective.
- a focussed main activity to include whole class, group, paired and/or individual work.
- a plenary to consolidate, where appropriate.
Independent learners are encouraged to be inquisitive, ask questions and work independently researching topics being covered. The curriculum is designed to provide challenge and all activities will be appropriately matched for individual learning, as well as encouraging problem solving, teamwork and discovery of the world around them.
Supported and experiential learners follow a thematic approach, where many areas of the curriculum are connected and integrated within a theme. These classes work in smaller groups whose learning is met primarily through experiences and activities which are multi-sensory and stimulate learning through kinaesthetic approaches and are supported through structure and routines. This curriculum is used to enhance early learning and development in pupils across school who present with sensory issues and those who learn best via a highly experiential, multi-sensory approach.
In KS4, English continues to follow the above guidance but follows the AQA accreditation routes for Entry Level Step Up to English and Unit Awards alongside GCSE, where appropriate.
As a pupil progresses through the school, English lessons promote the development of reading with fluency and understanding, together with a deep enjoyment of books and stories which they will take with them when they leave school. In addition, throughout their learning journey, emphasis is placed on how pupils apply their literacy skills across the curriculum and use them in everyday situations: for example, reading and following a recipe in food technology; sequencing a timeline in history; using labelling language in science, reading timetables in maths and following directions in PE. Teachers have high expectations and evidence of this is demonstrated in progress data and KS4 accreditation results. Impact is also recognised in pupils’ contributions, questions and enthusiasm in lessons, participation in themed days and assemblies where pupils demonstrate what they know and remember using appropriate vocabulary.
Pupils further develop their abilities in the 4 key drivers of the curriculum as well as improving their literacy skills. Pupils will begin to recognise that the use of language and literacy is essential to daily living. The depth of knowledge that pupils will attain will vary but all will demonstrate progress from their individual starting points.
Pupils will have also learnt about careers and related work opportunities that are accessible for them in the local and wider community. This is enhanced by educational visits which provide opportunities for further relevant and contextualised learning.
Pupil Voice: Why we think it is important to learn about English in school.

Pendle Community High School & College
Pendle Vale Campus, Oxford Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8LF
Tel: 01282 682260
Headteacher: Debra Grogan
Chair of Governors: Trevor Ashton (Address c/o above)
Receptionist: Sophie McCamon
SENDCO: Stephanie Curtis
Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested via email.