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The Imperial War Museum

The Imperial War Museum

On Friday 11th October, Ribble students and staff went on a trip to the Imperial War Museum North in Manchester. The educational visit linked in with their English unit dealing with evacuation during World War Two. As well as viewing the amazing range of exhibits, the...
Our Community

Our Community

The topic for this half term in the themes classes, Calder, Wenning, Yarrow and Irwell is ‘Our community’  As part of this topic we have looked at the roles of certain important people in our community.  The wonderful fire fighters from Nelson fire station...
Yarrow Look at Local Heroes

Yarrow Look at Local Heroes

Yarrow have been learning about local heroes and what they do for our communities. We’ve been looking at nurses, doctors, park keepers, vets, cleaners, hairdressers, delivery drivers, police officers and many other professionals who care for us and protect as we...