After a full year of gentle preparation, a cast of actors, singers and stage crew managed to pull off two successful performances of Alice in Wonderland.
We had lots of support from throughout school, including the DT department, who made all of the set including the impressive White Rabbit’s house. We also had staff members doing bit part roles, tweedle do and tweedle don’t being a big hit with the audience!
The highlights of the production seem as random as the story itself… a pack of cards chaos dancing to Ace of Spades by ACDC; a wacky white rabbit who we were unable to successfully photograph as he moved so fast across the stage; some crazy hedgehogs on scooters being whacked by inflatable flamingos and a blue caterpillar blowing bubbles through a saxophone.

There were too many stand out parts to name and everyone performed to the very best of their ability. We included sections that had been pre recorded and this meant that almost every student in school took part in some form.
Parents, carers, staff, students and governors were all in attendance over the two days and the feedback received was fantastic. Well done to everyone involved!