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Many thanks to everyone who joined us at this morning’s Pendle Employer & Skills Summit at Pendle Community High School & College – our excellent panellists (named below) and to Debra, Jo and the PCHSC team for looking after us so well. The SEND Student Caterers excelled preparing us a delicious post-summit networking lunch including cakes and truffles too, we were truly spoilt!*
Throughout the morning via two panels, one Employer/Regional and one Education/Support we explored the real need for employers to work closely with local schools to ensure key skills are woven into the curriculum and young people are aware of and understand the careers on their doorsteps. If we get this right, it will ensure a talent pipeline and secure a successful and prosperous future, not just for businesses but for our young people too. It seems there is much appetite on both sides to work together but we need to create space and time to establish the working partnerships that will feed this.
As Lee Schofield put it, when your current workforce retires you need employees with the right skills to carry on the work, if the skills aren’t out there the company will fold, simple as that. Jess Ross (and in fact all our panellists) spoke about the duty of care we as employers, parents and community have to assist young people into developing lifeskills and becoming work ready. Employers and business people can do this by supporting schools in creating meaningful encounters, such as attending mock interviews, employment fairs, speaking at schools and arranging workplace tours and placements.
I’ll be sharing follow up posts of learnings and points of interest as we had so many interesting discussions during the morning. If anyone is looking to strengthen ties with local schools to help support students and your business too please do check out the Lancashire Skills Pledge and pledge from one hour of your time, or contact Lancashire Skills & Employment Hub
Huge thanks to our panellists Andrew Stephenson MP, Dr Iftikhar Bokhari of Business in Pendle Pendle Borough Council, Lee Schofield & Ian Fraser of Graham Engineering Ltd, Danny Barry of Lancashire Careers Hub Inspira, Jessica Ross of Marsden Heights Community College, Fionnuala Swann of Nelson and Colne College Sixth Form and Jo Chatburn of PCHSC for joining us at the summit.
It was super to meet and catch up with our speakers and also with Sarah & Louise from East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and many other attendees.
The Pendle Employer & Skills Summit was hosted by Pendle Connects and made possible by The Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub and the Lancashire Careers Hub which is managed by Inspira. I’d like to thank Pendle Borough Council for their support too.
* In the student picture with our fabulous lunch are Ifras (LHS) and Asad (RHS) with their Catering Teacher & Chef Carl, many thanks to both students and everyone involved.