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The Duke of Edinburgh group have been working hard towards their Silver award. The group’s volunteering section saw them tie up their walking boots and do a sponsored walk for the WeCan Charity. The group decided that they should really challenge themselves and decided to walk the height of the world’s tallest mountain, Mt Everest, in meters around the school rabbit run. Coming in at 1km per lap the group were poised to attempt 9 individual laps. Raising a very generous amount of £65.15 the group completed their goal in 1hr 15 minutes. The group were visibly tired yet proud of their accomplishment. The highest sponsored walker was even challenged to do an extra kilometer which they took in their stride and accepted. The group are very proud of their efforts to raise the money for the WeCan Charity and would like to thank all the support and donations we received. This amount will make a great difference to others.
Thank you.